Khaled Al-Hafez
Khaled Al-Hafez:
Born and raised in Aleppo – Syria in 1981.
At the age of 15, Khaled started studying the art of classic arabic traditional singing ” Muashahat ” in private lessons under supervision of Fadel Sarraj the student of the great master of Muashahat in Aleppo Omar Batsh .
At the age of 17, Khaled pursued his musical education in Aleppo Conservatory .
In 2011 Khaled started teaching the classic arabic traditional singing in the Higher Music Institute of Damascus – Syria .
Khaled took part in many festivals in Syria and other countries and was member of many classic music bands in Syria .
In 2013, Khaled immigrated to Belgium and held many concerts in European countries (Belgium, Germany, France, Holland, Spain, Italy, Austria and England as well). He held many music workshops, including in America (San Francisco) and was a teacher of classical Arabic singing at the Labyrinth Institute.