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Avgerini Gatsi: Greek Singing & Dancing

During the lessons we will work collectively to tune in our voice to Mediterranean folk scales and rhythms, working on the repertoire of traditional Greek music and old rebetiko (Asia Minor tradition and composers from Izmir). We will emulate the characteristics of the singing styles and characteristics of each region, incorporating them into contemporary vocal sounds and techniques.

Through the melodic lines we will build codes of polyphony and vocal harmonies, experimenting with variations.

We will practice the mechanisms of breathing and articulation and get involved in games of rhythm and movement. 

To conclude, long melismatic embellishments on vowels, and special words used as expressions as a complement of the original lyrics of the songs will guide us to improvise in the modes in traditional styles of different eras (free improvisations “amanes” and “gazel”, and laments “miroloi”).

During the afternoon classes we will get to know dances from all parts of Greece.

The workshop is addressed to  professional and amateur singers, as well as musicians who wish to work with their voice. 

Knowledge of the Greek language is not required.

read more about Avgerini Gatsi



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