Kelly Thoma: Technique and repertoire for Lyra & Bowed Instruments / 2nd period / April 10 – 12, 2020
In this seminar Kelly will present and teach a series of contemporary compositions for the lyre with sympathetic strings, as well as a selection of traditional pieces that employ the techniques and reflect the aesthetics that have developed around this instrument over the past 30 years. The lessons will emphasize technique and memorization of the compositions. In this context, all types of lyres as well as other bowed instruments will be welcome to participate. If a student is interested in participating because of a desire to work on the repertoire but does not play a bowed instrument, he or she will also be welcome, although it should be noted that considerable emphasis will be placed on techniques specific to the lyre and bowed instruments in general.
Read more about Kelly Thoma & listen to her solo album Anamkhara on Spotify.