What is it?
C.M.O. is a new meeting point in Cardedeu that invites people of all ages who want to do three things: sing, play music and dance. The Orchestra’s repertoire will consist of traditional Greek, Turkish and other Balkan and Mediterranean songs and melodies.
Perfect! When do we meet?
The idea is to meet three times in March, plus two other times in April, before the 8th edition of the Labyrinth Catalunya Festival. Saturday April 8 will be our chance to take over the Central Square of Sant Corneli with our songs, instruments, dances and also invite the public to a big dance circle.
The dates of the meeting are:
Friday 10, 24 and 31 March from 17h to 20h at the new Textile Rase.
Monday April 3 and Tuesday April 4 from 17h to 20h
Labyrinth Fiesta: Sant Corneli Square, Saturday April 8 at 20:30.
Can I come?
Yes, maybe you want to learn how to dance! A group of four experienced teachers from the Passaltpas association will lead the session and show us the steps.
Maybe you prefer to sing? We will learn easy songs from various places mentioned above. You don’t have to be able to read music to do this, as we will learn the repertoire in the traditional way, orally.
Maybe you prefer to play an instrument? All instruments are welcome! Once again: you don’t need to read sheet music to do it, and you don’t need to be a master of your instrument, all levels are welcome.
A group of 5 professional Labyrinth musicians will lead the musical sessions.
Or maybe you want to switch from one activity to the other and sing, play and dance? Even better! (in fact the original ancient Greek meaning of the word orchestra was literally “dancing space”).
The price of participation is 5€ per session.
If you have financial difficulties and would like to participate, don’t hesitate to let us know.
Sign up today!
Organized by the Association Música Modal in Cardedeu & Festival Labyrinth!
information and registration:
mail: chrisbarbas@gmail.com
tel: 0034 634861278